I RUN WITH PURPOSE FOR __________ . Many of you are Run for a Purpose. Maybe the memory of a loved one, Or someone who is battling a difficult illness. We at Purpose.Race Events want to hear your story. We have a traveling "Wall" that goes to many of our races that allows you to post photos or just take a sharpie and write a tribute to the person or cause you run for.
The Purpose Wall doesn't have to wait till a race day, Go to: http://www.purposewall.com/
Here is one post from the wall to inspire you:
I RACE FOR MY SON ALAN, who is forever five years old. We lost him to cancer in January 2013. He loved going to Krispy Kreme to watch the doughnuts along the assembly line. I keep going because he no longer has the opportunity to do these things.
Way to go DAD!!! Please share your story TODAY!